Mission - The Quantitative Science Center supports development of quantitative and science skills in the Franklin & Marshall community.
How are we achieving this? - Our first initiative is to improve learning outcomes by building problem solving skills and quantitative skills in F&M students through FREE peer-to-peer help. We offer an ever-increasing menu of tutoring services including: Drop-in Tutoring, Tutoring Appointments, QuEST (Quantitative Extra Study Time) and Workshops to support a variety of courses such as intro level biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, ECON, BOS, Computer Science, math and psychology courses.
Location - The Quantitative & Science Center is located in Harris 020-016. Even though there are occasional meetings and frequent tutoring sessions going on in the Q&SC, you can feel free to use a room in the Center as a study space anytime it is available and Harris is open. The Center also has textbooks for a variety of courses.
Administrative Staff - Dr. Ellie Rice, Director (erice@fandm.edu) and Julie Otter, Assistant Director, (jotter@fandm.edu)
›› The Q&SC at F&M College